CoRE RD Endpoint Standalone Extension

Run a CoRE Resource Directory endpoint standalone.

This sub-module enables a CoRE RD endpoint to manage is registration state with a RD autonomously by periodically running the update procedure. This is implemented by running a dedicated thread.

enum cord_ep_standalone_event_t
void(* cord_ep_standalone_cb_t()

Callback function signature for RD endpoint state synchronization.

The registered callback function is executed in the context of the dedicated standalone RD endpoint’s thread.


t:type of event

void cord_ep_standalone_run(void)

Spawn a new thread that takes care of sending periodic updates to an active RD entry.

void cord_ep_standalone_reg_cb(ep_standalone.h::cord_ep_standalone_cb_t cb)

Register a callback to be notified about RD endpoint state changes.

Only a single callback can be active at any point in time, so setting a new callback will override the existing one.


cb:callback to execute on RD endpoint state changes

void cord_ep_standalone_signal(bool connected)

Signal the cord_ep thread about connection status change.


This function should not be called by a user, but it is called from withing the cord_ep implementation


connected:set to true if we are connected to a RD